Gladys daughter of Sgt. FARLEY was buried on March 23rd 1910 age 14 months. Chaplain Ensell took the service. No headstone.
George William FIELD was buried on January 24th 1922 age 9 ?? No headstone.
Richard and Francis FISHER are on their Father's headstone. He is Jeremiah Fisher and is on the Burials from 1864 tab.
William Richard FISHER age 2 days buried 27th February 1865
Francis Jeremiah FISHER was buried on 19th February 1870 aged 1 day. Chaplain W. Ponsford took the service.
Gladys Florence FOWLER was buried on May 29th 1888 aged 15 days. Rev. Painter took the service.
In Loving memory of
Gladys Florence FOWLES
And Frank Godwin FOWLES
There are no dates on the headstone but according to information on Ancestry, there is a birth index and a death index within a few weeks of each other in April for Gladys in 1888.
Frank was also a few weeks old when he died in 1890.
Burial no. 831 Church of England for Gladys age 6 weeks old.Frank was interred in the same grave on 28th August 1890.
Frank Godwin FOWLES age 7 months buried August 28th 1890.
This grave is next to Lt. George Louis Fowles. He can be found under the Burials from 1864 tab. Maybe he is their father??
Sweetest Memories Of
Kenneth John
The Darling Son Of
QMS Douglas & Blanche FUDGE
Fell Asleep October 23rd 1941
Aged 4 Years
A Father's Pet, A Mother's Dear,
A Little Darling Slumbers Here.
Burial no 2208 Church of England
Kenneth died when he rode his tricycle into the sea whilst playing on the jetty.He lived at 1 Hound Road.
Ellen daughter of Pensioner GRANT was buried on July 1st 1889 aged 1 year and 9 months. Chaplain Beamish took the service.
Mary Ann daughter of Pte. GRANT was buried 22nd February 1871 aged 2 years. Chaplain W. Ponsford took the service.
No headstone.
Frank was 5 weeks old.
Ernest William GREGORY was buried on 18th March 1936 age 21 months. Chaplain W. Robinson took the service.
Cheryl Joanna Dawn GUNNER died at Royal South Hants Hospital Southampton age 15. She was buried on 16th July 1975. The service was taken by Chaplain Sketchley.
Emma daughter of Sgt. George HALES was buried on the 2nd April 1880 age 3 years 6 months. Chaplain Frederick Bateman took the service.
Sophia Blake daughter of Sgt. George HALES was buried on the 12th April 1880 age 2 years 6 months. Rev. W.S. French took the service.
Kenneth A. HALL
Son of the above
Died February 28th 1922
Aged 5 Months
Kenneth Alexander is remembered on the headstone of Frederick William Hall his father who is on the Burials with Medals and Awards tab
William HAMILTON from the Royal Military School at Chelsea was buried on the 31st August 1868 aged 12 and a half. Chaplain J.A. Crozier took the service.
No headstone.
Arthur and John HAMMOND were buried on March 1st 1886 aged 13 months and 4 and a half years. Chaplain G Godwin took the service.
Muriel? child of Sgt. Maj. HAMP was buried on July 19th 1907 age 6 hours. Chaplain Frederick Wright took the service. No headstone.
Mabel Lilian HARVEY was buried on August 31st 1911 age 4 months. Chaplain Armitage took the service. No headstone.
E.S.E. HASLAM was buried on the 15th April 1872 aged 7 years.
Son of Sgt. E. Haslam
Chaplain W. Ponsford took the service.
No headstone.
Henry George aged four and a half months, son of Pte. W.A. HAWKINS Army Hospital Corps. was buried August 31st 1866. J.A. Addison Vicar of Hound took the service.
No headstone.
James HAWTON son of Captain of the Orderlies Army Hospital Corps. was buried on 2nd March 1867 aged 5 weeks. Chaplain J.A. Crozier took the service.
No headstone.
Catherine Sophia Caroline Harriet HAWTREE daughter of William and Sarah, was buried on 18th July 1870 aged 5 years and 3 months. Chaplain W. Ponsford took the service.
No headstone.
Drummer boy William HAYES who died in 1896 when he fell over the bannisters. Unknown newspaper.
Charles Edward HAYHOE was buried on March 29th 1898 age 11 months. Chaplain J. Garniss took the service. No headstone.
Edward Alfred HAYNES was buried on February 25th 1895 age 5 hours. Chaplain Frederick J. Bateman took the service. No headstone.
John Henry HIGGINS was buried on June 14th 1899 age 2 years. Chaplain J. Garniss took the service. No headstone.
Elizabeth Mary HINCHEY was buried on March 14th 1887 aged 10 days. Chaplain Edward March took the service.
William Henry son of P. HINDLY Army Hospital Corps. was buried on 15th october 1867. Service was taken by Chaplain J.A. Crozier.
No headstone.
Mary Jane HINDLY was buried on 1st November 1869 aged 13 months. Chaplain W.F. Hobson took the service.
No headstone.
Margery Florence HOLLOWAY was buried on September 19th 1898 age 9 months. Chaplain Mullins took the service. No headstone.
Sophie Marion daughter of Sgt. Maj. HORN of D Block was buried on July 25th 1919 age 8 days. No headstone.
Joyce Jacqueline daughter of Cpl. HORROBIN was buried on April 14th 1930 age 7 days. No headstone.
James Robert son of Pte. George HOWSE was buried January 15th 1879 age 15 months. Chaplain George Mead took the service.
No headstone.
Ada HUDSON was buried on April 29th 1887 aged 18 months. Chaplain Edward March took the service.
Annie HUGHES died in the Infections hospital at Netley and was buried on October 21st 1904 age 2 months. Chaplain Frederick Wright took the service. No headstone.
H.V. HUNT died 16th June 1871
Burial no. 51 Church of England
No Headstone