Hello, I would like to hear your comments and views. Please get in touch especially if you have any memories or stories to tell about the Hospital or relatives that are buried in the Cemetery. I would be glad to forward photos of graves to family members too.
My contact details are jd.green@outlook.com
There is lots to see on my Facebook page too:
Royal Victoria Hospital & Military Cemetery at Netley
Thank You
We visited today 09/11/2024. We came to find my Great Uncle Joe. (Joseph Lane Kimberley) who died of his wounds after over 4 months at The hospital and is buried in the cemetery.
A very poignant moment. More so to see that he lies forever next to a German soldier. Death takes no sides. We would love to find out more information about Joseph Lane Kimberley. He lives on in our hearts
No sign of the cemetery so we looked online. Thank you for this site!
1956 two visits to Netley Hosp. First in June on my return from Far East then in August ,my regiment was billetted over night awaiting embarcation to SUEZ FIASCO ..
Great to have found your wonderful site.Live in Western Australia
My grandparents lived in Hamble and we lived there off and on for a few years.
We use to walk down the lovely wooded path to the abby and the hospital and beach from the recreation area next to the primary school.
If I am not mistaken the military cemetery was at the right hand side of the bottom of the school playground.
Lovely to relieve those memories. Love the photos of the wooded area. Loved to walk down there in autumn. Very different from Lusaka Zambia where I was born.
Sorry no knowledge of this hospital. Read about it in a book by Edward Marston and decided to take a look. Very interesting and many thanks for your work in creating this site.
Good morning Julie. I qualified as a RMN July 1973. I was in the RAF.
I thought my training at Netley was excellent.
Married Janet whilst at Netley and lived in Hill Lane Southampton and would travel to work on orange Lambretta.
Also remember earning pocket in the officers mess during their Dining In Nights. I served in the RAF for 28 years. Attached to 22 Field Hospital a couple of times. Also 205 General Hospital who are based in Scotland.
As a child, my family live in Winchester, if we sailed to the Isle of Wight would see the massive military hospital to the left.
Do you have any history of RAF personnel doing their training at Netley.
Very best wishes
Dick Hilling
Hi there. My grandfather William Joseph Morey served in the Second Boer War and First World War. He was a private in the RAMC and his marriage certificate in 1904 states his residence as Royal Victoria Hospital Hound.
Interested in anything Netley related, although my family has only been traced back to Pulborough in West Sussex
I attended the afternoon Remembrance Day ceremony yesterday, 13 November 2022, with representatives from Eastleigh's twin town in France. (Unfortunately, the German visitors had to leave early for Heathrow.) We bring them here every year. I left a poppy on the grave of a Canadian soldier, took a photo, and sent it to my Canadian cousin, as I did last year. She will post both photos on the Canadian soldier reference library website.
My Wife (Sue) & I have recently moved in 39 Osborne Close & are interested in learning all the history of the Hospital & Cemetery
Always been interested in the history of the hospital & surroubds
A great place to visit
My family have a long connection with RV Hospital Netley and my Great Grandfather Wallace met his wife Alice (Seamstress) their before WW1. He was in the R.A.M.C. during WW1 and served in France at No 10 General Hospital.
After the war he worked at Netley in the Invalid Stores, just recently discovered from the 1921 census.
Alice's father John Warman was in the Army Medical Core and lived, worked and was a patient Netley. He was in service in Africa during the Ashanti and Zulu Wars.
Some family still live locally to Netley.
Great website lots of information.
Had guided walk around Cemetery today, really enjoyed the time and information. Given this link, so I can find out more.
The owner of the demolition company, Perry's was the uncle of a friend of mine. One of the rooms on the ground floor was being used as an office, and my friends dad believed he had left his wallet there. My friend drove to the hospital accompanied by myself, her sister, and sister's friend. We arrived at around 10pm. I went inside the with my friend while the others waited in the car. On entering with a torch we could hear a clicking sound which echoed loudly in the otherwise quiet of the building. We froze but soon discovered it's source. It was the clocking on machine for the demolition workers. We continued on along the corridor until a we reached the office. While my friend unlocked the door I glanced down the long, long corridor which disappeared into pitch black, and quickly turned away terrified of seeing the grey lady. We searched but could find no trace of the wallet, and made a hasty retreat. We were all in our mid-teens at the time.
What an amazing website! We are visiting Netley in a few weeks time and wanted to know more.
La mia ricerca è inerente alla Storia dell'Aviatore Australiano Bert Hinkler e mi ha portato a visitare il tuo sito perchè Bert e Steve erano amico con la A maiuscola ! Vorrei sapere chi il 6 Ottobre 2014 ha visitato la tomba di Steve?! Grazie
Thank you for your exacting and intriguing website. Excellent! I've sent a more detailed message via your email address, but also want to post the following as I am looking for information on my grandfather who we think was in the Royal Army Medical Corp in WWI. He is William "Will" David Blatch (1887-1943). We believe he was from Netley Marsh though he had connections to Scotland, Leeds, and Colchester. He lived in Coventry his last decade and died there. His wife perhaps had "Goss" relatives in Hackney, Harringay, and Tottenham. My grandfather served in France during WWI. I am hoping his geographic connection to the hospital and his Royal Army Medical Corps service may reveal more about this good man who died too early.
one of the best sites I've ever seen, I'll keep visiting this site
Excellent website, keep the great work up, not born to 1967, so no real life experience of the Victoria Military Hospital.
Excellent site, surfed in looking for an image of Herefordshire Red Cross Hut.
Just browsing and was drawn in...
Hi Jd,
What an awesome website, amazing photos and information.
I have many Netley photos on my website. please let me know if you would like copies of any.
Would you know who the Hospital Chaplain was in July 1919?
Kind regards
Lance corp 2616 C. G. Ireland my great great uncle and is buried in netley military cemetary. Wonder if you have any info about him as do not know anything about my dads side of the family. Thankyou
Hi very interesting site, thank you.I am researching my mother's side of the family. My great grandmother's brother Herbert Ernest Howard died at Netley Hospital on 24 July1916.
He arrived on the ship Carisbrooke Castle. His brother
Walter Frederick Howard also died on 3 November 1918 but he was in France. Are you able to help me with any information. Thank you for your time.
A wonderful site which I found very interesting. As a child we frequently visited here for a wander on a Sunday.
Thank you
Thank you for your interesting site. I visited Netley in the late 70s for a sports day whilst stationed at Wroughton and remember some of the buildings. I returned much later to visit the chapel - all that was left of this wonderful building. The military cemetery was fascinating and am looking forward to returning.
Arthur Daniel Males converlesed here helped here then came home to Codicote Hertfordshire died here
Thank you Julie for sending information about George Darling. So interesting to see how he fits into our family. Very grateful for you time x
Fascinating my great great Uncle F Hunt pte Suffolk Regiment was buried there in1900 .I would love to find out morr
Recieved message regarding a family member buried as a baby at Netleys..
Grace Letitia Darby
25/9/1905 to 15/10/1906
Daughter of Serg Mag George Darby & Grace Austin..
Would be very interested in photo if her grave.. thanks
Sue Darby..
I volunteer at the RVH chapel and am learning all I can about the hospital.
A brother of my great, great grandfather is buried here. Archibald Kerr was wounded in action in France 1918, died in the Netley Military hospital 5.10.1918 and buried in the cemetery there.
Fascinating and absorbing website. Looking for a record of Leslie George Mantle who died at the RVH on March 28th. 1914 and was buried on 31st. March. Served with the Royal Scots Fusiliers.
My ancestor Thomas NASH of the 76th Regiment of Foot died in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Hound on 12 April 1875. Looking to establish whether he is buried in the Netley Military Cemetery.
Hello, thank you for your webpage. I had a great uncle who died at Netley in 1925. His full name was Anthony Bernard Thorpe who was born in Bangalore around 1904. I believe he died in Netley on 17 May 1925. However, I cannot find out where he was buried or what he died from as he seemed to be very young. I would be grateful if you could look into this for me please. Thank you for your help.
Trained as RMN at RVH Netley 1970 to 1973. Commanding Officer Brig Harry Pozner, Company Commanders Frank Green and Ashley Cogdall. Great memories. Ron Bridle RAF.
Hello, myself and my 10 year old daughter have recently visited the military cemetery as she is researching a famous building for her next brownie badge. She chose the old military hospital. She now has to research a famous person to her local area and was fascinated that she read only one polish soldier was buried here from ww2. After checking your photos we saw 2. We are now stuck on gathering further info on them? Where could we go and look for info as there is limited details we can give to who these gentlemen are? Any help would be much appreciated! Many thanks! Your website is great.
I am doing research on the men from our village who were in WW1. Walter Coleman was in the hospital in September 1914
Could I please have a copy of the headstone of W Williamson (31.01.1916). I am a distant relative and writing a series of articles for our local magazine about men of our village who are listed on our war memorial. Thank you
Thank you for such a brilliant site. I came here looking for family member's Billingham's and Abell's. Ended up spending hours reading about the history of Netley Hospital and surrounding areas. I took intrest also in the Remount Centre.
A great site full of information and so interesting
We visited today what a wonderful country park the chapel is amazing and the cemetery very humbling to see soldiers of all nationalities buried together thanks to you trying to bring all that history back to life
arthur daniel males my nans father conveleced there then stayed to help
Many thanks for this super website. I learnt a lot and saw pictures of my 4x gt grandpa John Mackenzie Kennedy & 3x gt grandpa William C Le P. M-Kennedy
Thank you for this wonderful website. My 4 x great grandpa was John Mackenzie Kennedy paymaster at Netley. I have learnt so much from your website & copied his & his son's photos. BTW who is the Angus that you thanked for the info on John MK?
My name is Brenda Mary Patrick. My mother's maiden name was Thora Alaque Skyring. She was an army nurse serving overseas with the troops in World War 2. She passed away a few months short of 97 years in 2010. She shared many accurate facts about her family history. The relative of ours in Netley Cemetery is John Skyring Cross who was the younger brother of a famous Australian poet, author & journalist Zora Cross. She wrote some moving & famous poems after the death of her brother. Many people in the UK may be unaware of how celebrated he became in death.
I have just come across your website in tracking my ancestor William Campbell Maclean. I have a copy of his book 'Memories of a Long Life', which was privately printed in 1895. I have also inherited his medals.
I didn't know he was buried in Southampton and will try to pay a visit to his grave.
Hi, thank you so much for the web site. My grandfather a William Henry Bevan, DOB 1/5/1896 was admitted to Netley with a leg injury and stayed there for 18 months. I have a number of photos of his time there and a beautiful embroided Devonshire Regiment cap badge which he did whilst convalescing. I would love to find out more information but understand the lack of records. Maybe I can give some copies of the photos, if you would like. I love relatively close and would love to visit.