203 Pte. CALLAGHAN age 33 years suffering from Emphysema. He died 4th August 1880.
S/6840 Sgt. Charles CALLAN or CALLON died 17th May 1929 age 42 years onboard a ship "Moreton Bay" at sea.
Sacred to the Memory of
3979 Sgt. Charles CALTHORPE
2nd Royal Berkshire Regt. who departed this life
8th February 1902 aged 29 years
This stone is erected by his loving and sorrowful widow.
There is a Charles Gordon Calthorpe Militiaman born in Colchester in the 1891 census. He is at the District depot Suffolk Regiment Bury St. Edmunds.
3979 Serjeant C. Calthorpe, 2nd Battalion Berkshire Regiment, was wounded at Wakkerstroom, 24 April 1900. He was invalided to England on 12 August 1901. With copied roll extracts showing entitlement to the clasp ‘South Africa 1901’; also with original medal forwarding letter and envelope (both damaged) addressed to ‘Mrs M. Calthorpe, Penwortham Hall, Preston, Lancs.’, dated 22 December 1902, which indicated that Serjeant Calthorpe had died.
From Dix Noonan Webb Medals Auction archive
Burial no 683 Roman Catholic
In Loving Memory of
3060 Lance Corporal Frederick W.CAMES 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment born 27th June 1872 died 14th November 1894 eldest son of the late Conductor W. Cames R.A. Assistant Mathematical Instructor College of Engineering Madras India.
Burial no. 992 Church of England
In Loving Memory of
3380581 Sgt. George J.L. CAMPBELL. Died May 28th 1927 aged 32 late Lieutenant London, Scottish and R.A.F.
Burial no. 430 Presbyterian
Thomas CAMPBELL age 34 years.After two months in Netley hospital, he died on the 21st June 1871.
364 Pte. CAREY age 27 years suffering with Phthisis. He died on 22nd March 1881.
CARR age 30 years suffered with Phthisis and later died on the 29th June 1877.
In Loving Memory of
(1782)Thomas B.CARTER
Color Sergt. 2nd H.L.I. (Highland Light Infantry)
Died July 26 1888 aged 34 years
Rest In Peace
Thomas Bernard Carter was married to Anna and lived in the Cottages at Netley according to the Index of Wills.
Burial no 836 Church of England
CARTWRIGHT age 28 years suffered with Phthisis and died 13th July 1877.
10462 Pte. Patrick CARTY or CARTHY age 19. Patrick was discharged in March with Tuberculosis. He died 11th September 1914.
Beloved Wife of Cpl. J.J. Casey R.A.M.C.
27th August 1966
Age 34
Rest In Peace
Burial no. 1000 Roman Catholic Mrs Casey was cremated and her ashes interred
182 Pte. Michael CAVANAGH age 25 years suffering from Phthisis died July 1st after four weeks in Netley hospital. Pathological Report no. 49.
In Memory Of
Royal Garrison Artillery
Who met his death by falling from the troopship “Sicilia”
In Southampton Docks
April 7th 1904 aged 29 years
The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Burial no 1378 Church of England
In Fond Remembrance Of
(11748) George G. CHANDLER
Corporal 82nd Company Royal Garrison Artillery
Died August 2nd 1904
At the R.V. Hospital Netley
Aged 29 years
Burial no. 1390 Church Of England
CHILDS age 28 years suffering with Phthisis died on 9th October 1877.
Sacred To The Memory Of
Private G.H. CHIVERS Medical Staff Corps
who was accidently drowned in Southampton Water on April 16th 1898 aged 27 years
George was entitled to the silver Sudan Medal, 1896, with clasp inscribed with “Hafir”
Also another silver Sudan medal was sent to his mother in 1903 after his death
Burial no. 1095 Church of England
In Loving Memory Of Daniel M. (Moss) CHRISTOPHER
(1419) Sgt. Major 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade
Died on 19th September 1888 aged 33
Thy Will Be Done
Possible parents are Richard and Margaret Christopher from Glamorgan in Wales. Possible marriage to Jessie D. White in 1883 in London
Burial no 839 Church of England
In Loving memory of Our Beloved Son A. CHURCH
who died March 1931 aged 25 years
1054223 Bdr.Archibald.O.Church 27th Field Battery died 26th March 1931
Burial record 972 Roman Catholic
812 Pte. Richard CHURCHER aged 37 died on 5th May 1879 at 8.38am in Ward 22 with Bronchitis after being in Netley hospital for 7 weeks. Pathological Report no. 1. Burial record 531 Church of England.