Nurses Rennie, Kingdon, Perry & Beale with Sister McEwan. I thank them all May 1940.
Sister McEwan with French Morrocan Troops from Belgium June 1940.
Wounded French Poilus evacuated from Dunkirk May 1940.
Showing section of hospital. Nurse Drury walked into picture.
English, French and Moroccan Hospital acquaintances.
Sgt. Major House & another good looking chap.(George) May 1940.
Two very old patients - Woodhouse and Steen wounded from Palestine.
Sapper Turner and I were two "oldest" patients. November 1939.
Nurse Perry, P.S.M. House and the bed I occupied for 13 months. May 1940.
S.M. House, Nurse Perry and I. Taken by Sister McEwan.
Sister McEwan & Sister Carpenter.
Left to right: Nurse Brown, Sister McEwan, Nurse Beale, Sister Carpenter, Nurse Perry. June 1940.
Again Sister McEwan with one of her countrymen, Pte. McFee.
Sister McEwan with "Her two Sgt. Majors" Taken by Nurse Perry.
This one of myself was the last taken in Netley by S.M. House.
George composed a poem for Sister McEwan showing his appreciation for the care he received, especially from her and all the staff at Netley whilst he was there.
(Sister I/C is Sister in Charge!)
I would like to thank Colin for keeping the album in his family and allowing me to use these photos on my website, and to George for taking the photos and putting them in there and most importantly, writing the names of staff members at Netley. Finding an album like this is very rare especially for this time in Netley Hospital history.The last word is from George.