Home from India Windsor and Eton Express 13th May 1865.
James TRIGGS who drowned. Hampshire Telegraph 29th July 1874.
The first sign of convalescence - writing a letter home.
Graphic august 27th 1892
The officers shown here are Surgeon Major General Charles Herve GIRAUD, Brigade Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel BLENNERHASSET and Surgeon Major POPE.
Surgeon Major General Giraud A.M.S. in the centre of the group has been in charge at Netley for the past two years. Before this, he had seen service in the Indian Mutiny, the China War of 1860 and took part in the expedition against the Taeping rebels in 1863-4. (In 1918 he died as a result of a street accident in Fulham on May 10th).
Brigade Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel Blennerhasset, on the left of the photo, performs the duties of secretary and as "registrar" is responsible for the statistical work of the hospital.He is also commanding officer of the 4th and 5th Companies
of the Medical Staff Corps. He was engaged in the late Ashanti Expedition, receiving a C.M.G. for his services.
Surgeon Major Pope is the adjutant of the Medical Staff Corps at Netley. This officer saw service in the Egyptian Campaign of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir. He was also engaged in the operations in Zululand in 1888.
From Navy and Army Illustrated 1897
Miss H.Campbell NORMAN is the lady in the centre of the nurses. She is the Lady Superintendant of the Army Nursing Staff. She served in Egypt for which she wears the medal with clasp and the Khedival Star. She is also decorated with the order of the Royal Red Cross.
The Navy and Army Illustrated March 19th 1897
Back from the Soudan - taking the wounded from Southampton to Netley Hospital. The Graphic October 15th 1898.
A wounded soldier visited by his family
The Sphere june 9th 1900
Surgeon-General Sir Edmond TOWNSEND, KCB, CB, CMG, RAMC; MA, MD, MCh Degrees from Queen's University of Ireland. (22 April 1845 - 2 January 1917). Townsend was born in Cork the son of the late Doctor W.C. Townsend MD of Cork, the 5th of his 13 children. He joined the British army 1 April 1867 and in a career spanning 38 years rose to become surgeon-general, the most senior ranking medical officer in the British army.
From Wikipedia
This gentleman has been brought to my attention by Duncan McNair who sent me an email. Sir Edmond is Duncan's great great Uncle. Thank you.
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Royal Victoria Hospital & Military Cemetery at Netley