From the West Gippsland Gazette 9th March 1915 on Trove website.
The following 4 films were first shown on Channel 4 and Netley Hospital is featured. I have listed the names of people mentioned in the film below:
Guy Botwright Harry Smithers Dr Charles Myers and daughter Joan Rumens Lt. Co. Ian Palmer Richard Trafford Cpt. Herbert Leland and son Cpt. Tom Leland Richard Rauss Nurse Mary Jollie Psychologist Tom Peer and daughter Marjorie Beadle Pte. Harry Farr and daughter Gertrude Harris Janet Booth Dr Lewis Yealland and son Michael Arthur Hurst Corporal Anderson Seigfried Sassoon Psychologist William Rivers John Harry Burns and daughter Maureen Huws and Craiglockheart hospital.
Please be warned that there are parts of these films not suitable for children.
Follow this link for a downloadable book written by Arthur F. Hurst titled Medical Diseases of The War. It has a few cases from Netley mentioned which relate to the War Neuroses film below.
War neuroses was filmed in Netley Hospital and Seale Hayne Military Hospital in 1918