Pte. John PARSLOW buried 3rd June 1864 age 23 years old. John was in the 1st Battalion 21st Regiment.
No headstone.
1076 Trooper A. PEACOCK died 19th August 1882. Burial no 671 C. of E.
Easy PEAKE buried January 14th 1913.
423 Pte. Fred POOLE died from Phthisis at 8 pm in ward 16a on the 12th May 1879 aged 44.
Burial record Church of England 535. No headstone.
Pathological report no. 4.
Colonel John (Jack) POWELL D.S.O. see Burials with Medals and Awards
486 Pte. W. PRICE from the Royal Canadian Artillery died 23rd July 1900. No headstone. Walter died from enteric fever.
This monument is erected by public subscription at the battery headquarters by their fellow countrymen and others. Both as an abiding mark of appreciation of their loyal devotion to duty in the cause of Queen and country and also as an incentive to the young men of Shefford to be ready to emulate their noble example of patriotic self-sacrifice whenever in the cause of right and justice they may be called upon to serve
his most gracious majesty the King.
Monument à Latimer, Granby, France.
Thank you John Dickenson.
Pte. Frederick PRIDIMORE age 49 years buried 24th December 1864. No headstone.
Jane QUAID was buried on the 19th october 1874. Burial Record 241 R.C.
Bury and Norwich Post 11th April 1865. George REEVE was a Private in the 50th Regiment. Burial no. 7 R.C.
2334 Corporal Martin REGAN age 29 died at Netley on 26th July 1902 from Phthisis. He is written in the burial records as RYAN. Burial no. 693 R.C. Martin is remembered on the Hanley Boer War Memorial in the Town Hall.
He doesn't have a headstone.
Eric RICHARDSON buried on 9th June 1943 age 52.
Pte. James ROBINSON age 37 years buried 14th December 1864. No headstone.